Coworking and Collaboration Furniture

office furniture

Coworking spaces and philosophies are becoming more common every day, and are even penetrating industries outside of the typical counter-culture furnishings and office designs of the tech world. The reason is that as a younger generation penetrates the workforce, socialization and collaboration are becoming a less negotiable option. From that pivot in company culture, we have seen coworking spaces, open office layouts, and even communal tables to help foster these interactions. There are benefits to these new office designs and some issues that may arise, but it does appear they are here to stay.

Opening Your Offices Will Open Your Company: Good or Bad?

A side effect of open office layouts or larger communal areas is that you will find that your business as a whole becomes more open. Closed door meetings are an abnormality rather than a normal occurrence. Some companies feel that the openness generates increases in employee morale and a greater sense of belonging to the business. However, some companies may not enjoy that transition as much as others. Your culture is largely defined by the interactions that take place in the office, so a greater burden on collaboration will reflect itself in your organization.

Isolating Your Introverts

One concern with collaborative spaces and office furniture is that not all of your employees enjoy the bustle and noise of an open office layout. Your more introverted employees may prefer a quieter environment where they can 'plug in' to their work and achieve some depth that may be difficult to achieve in a louder environment. As a company, it is your responsibility to know and understand your employees and facilitate their growth and productivity. Perhaps having a central coworking space paired with side alcoves where these employees can find their perfect work environment is a good compromise.

Increased Productivity

Whatever office layout fits your culture, collaboration has been shown to increase productivity in nearly any industry, and these spaces simply add to those gains. Deciding on which office furniture is right for you, and how you can implement collaborative spaces is a larger project so reach out with questions or concerns. There is an office layout that is perfect for your business; you just have to find it.