As with most solutions, there's a right way and a wrong way to approach VoIP phone systems. The good news, though, is that it's easy to know what to do as long as you know what to avoid. Here are a few tips on how not to do VoIP!
Let's say we have a company--we'll call them Company A--that just upgraded their phone systems to take advantage of VoIP solutions. They're looking forward to learning all the new features and functions, and they can't wait to see the benefits. Unfortunately, they made a few big missteps early on that will completely change their experience--and the truth is that, because they didn't do their research, they're going to miss out on some of the best parts of VoIP phone systems.
Here's where Company A went wrong:
#1: Not researching features
Although basic VoIP phone systems come with plenty of features, there are even more that you won't want to miss--like call forwarding, call recording, video chat, auto attendants, and more. Company A didn't do their research, so they didn't know about these features--and, thus, they ended up unable to take advantage of all VoIP has to offer.
#2: Making assumptions
Company A assumed that they had the network bandwidth to handle just about anything, so they didn't run tests or do any pre-checks. Now they find that communication isn't as reliable and speeds are slower across their company.
#3: Overbuying
It makes sense to think that a phone system upgrade means new phones, but that's not always the case. In fact, VoIP phone systems can often work with existing hardware, which means no pricey new devices and exhaustive learning-curves. Too bad Company A didn't realize that.
Want to make sure you're not Company A when it comes to VoIP phone systems? We're here to help. Contact us today!