Standing Desk Benefits

standing desk in use

Sitting at a desk from nine-to-five, five days a week will take a toll on anyone’s health. When someone sits for most of the hours in a day, they are burning minimal calories, making weight tough to manage. Sitting a lot has also been linked to increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and even premature death.

This is a tough predicament for office workers because most of their work is done sitting down at a desk. Standing desks have offered a solution to this problem, however, and they are becoming more popular throughout offices.

Standing Desks

A standing desk is a desk that gives you the ability to stand up while you work comfortably. Most modern stand up desks are adjustable, giving the user control to switch between sitting and standing.

Here are seven ways a standing desk can benefit workers:

1. Lower Risk of Weight Gain and Obesity

Burning more calories than calories coming in is how an individual loses weight. While exercise is undoubtedly the most effective way to burn calories, switching from a sitting desk to a stand-up desk is an effective way to burn calories.

2. Lower Blood Sugar Levels

After eating a meal, it is essential that one’s blood sugar levels do not increase too much. Stand up desks have proved to reduce blood sugar spikes drastically compared to traditional, sitting desks.

3. Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Standing is an effective way to lower risks of heart disease. Studies since the 1950’s have shown that those who sit more in a day are at more risk of heart disease than those who stand more.

4. Reduce Back Pain

Studies have shown that those who use stand up desks experience significantly less back and neck pain.

5. Improve Mood and Energy

Users of standing desks have commonly expressed far less fatigue compared to when they used sitting desks.

6. Increase Productivity

Stand up desks have shown no signs of affecting daily office tasks like typing. With symptoms of improved mood and energy, productivity will naturally be an outcome of making this change.

7. Increased Lifespan

When health risks are lowered in a standing desk user’s daily life, they are most likely to live longer, healthier. A study suggests that if sitting time is lowered to three hours a day, an individual’s life expectancy could improve by two years.

Allen Business Machines has a full lineup of standing desks for your business. Contact us today to improve your staff’s health and productivity with stand up desks!