Security Threats You Might Not Notice


Security threats are often enough to strike fear into the bravest, most prepared companies--and that's simply because online dangers are always changing. To help to keep up with all the latest risks, we've made a list of security threats that might exist right under your nose.

Little Problems, Big Trouble

When you think about IT security, you probably think about the high-profile stuff--passwords, online documents, firewalls, and network protection. Unfortunately, the truth is that the littler, more subtle threats can be just as dangerous to your customers, employees, budget, and reputation--and if you're not careful, you might not even notice anything is wrong.

Here are a few less apparent threats to keep an eye on!

  • Different types of data

These days, everything is data--from voicemails to texts. No matter how you're communicating with clients and employees, it's up to you to keep that data safe.

  • Interior threats

You probably focus your energy on protecting against outside threats--but although nobody wants to think about it, it's necessary to protect against inside threats too. After all, even well-meaning employees can sometimes make a mistake big enough to jeopardize your business.

  • Flawed communication

With so many different types of communication, it's easy to save a file in the wrong place or accidentally use the wrong tool to send a document. That's why you need security protocols that integrate your entire IT environment at the same time.

Protecting Your Data

Now that you know just how subtle and scary those security threats are, what can you do to protect yourself, your company, and your clients?

The answer is simple: managed network solutions.

A managed network provider can work with you on every aspect of your IT environment, from regulating updates to troubleshooting your networks--and, better yet, they'll help create a security plan just for you. That means all your data, from the smallest voicemail to the biggest file folder, will be protected both online and offline, and you'll be armed with knowledge about all the latest threats. With managed network solutions on your side, you've got nothing to worry about.

Are you looking to keep your data safer than ever? Interested in managed network solutions? Contact us today!